Tuesday 06th May, 2014
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Dunedin South MP given more responsibility

Dunedin South MP Clare Curran has been given more responsibility in the latest Labour Party reshuffle.

Friday 02nd May, 2014
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Nightly interview: Michael Woodhouse

Dunedin-based National Party list MP Michael Woodhouse spent Anzac Day at the ground zero of Gallipoli.

The Veterans’ Affairs Minister travelled to Turkey to attend the 99th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings.

He joins us tonight for a review of that trip and to discuss the latest goings on back here in New Zealand.

Thursday 01st May, 2014
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Kevin Hague is in Dunedin talking about health care

Health is a key issue for the Green Party, which says more money needs to be invested in the sector.

Greens health spokesman Kevin Hague is in Dunedin talking about the party's plans to right what it says are the wrongs of the Government in respect of health care.

And that could see some significant changes in the city.

Wednesday 30th April, 2014
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Your word on enrolling to vote

With just over five months until the next general election, Dunedin's registrar of electors wants as many people as possible enrolled to vote.

Dee Vickers aims to encourage those aged between the ages of 18 and 24 to enrol, so they too can have their say come Saturday September 20th.

With that in mind the 39 Dunedin News Team spent time in the city asking if you are enrolled to vote.

Thursday 24th April, 2014

Political parties are staking their claims on the health high ground, as the September elections approach.

Health Minister Tony Ryall says in the last five years, more than 1700 extra Southern District Health Board patients have received orthopaedic surgery.

He says across New Zealand health boards have delivered 23,000 orthopaedic surgeries.

Meanwhile, Green Party health spokesman Kevin Hague, claims the Government is not putting enough money into the sector, or is spending it on the wrong things.

Wednesday 16th April, 2014
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Nightly interview: Dee Vickers

Dunedin North and Dunedin South registrar of electors Dee Vickers is gearing up for another election year.

The woman behind the nuts and bolts of the voting process in the city is here to tell us what that will involve.

Tuesday 15th April, 2014
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Leaders are already lobbying for votes in Dunedin

The elections are still more than five months away, but leaders are already lobbying for votes in Dunedin.

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters got his chance to speak to the Dunedin public over the weekend as he tries to stay above the 5% threshold needed for a seat in parliament.

The veteran politician told a local audience the city has a lot to offer, but says it's neglected and needs political change.

Tuesday 01st April, 2014

The Westpac Bank has suggested the rationale for loan-to-value ratio restrictions might cease to be relevant as interest rates rise.

The bank's latest weekly commentary notes a broad based pick-up in the economy.

And it says it expects the housing market to slow substantially under the weight of rising interest rates necessary because of booming construction and export sectors.

The bank says in such a scenario, the rationale for LVR restrictions might well disappear.

Tuesday 11th March, 2014

Prime Minister John Key has announced New Zealanders will be able to vote on whether the country gets a new flag.

During the next parliamentary term, a cross-party group of MP's would be formed to recommend the best referenda process.

An independent steering group would also ensure the public was consulted and was able to contribute their own design ideas.

Key said the current flag symbolised a colonial and post-colonial era whose time has passed, and feels a new flag would acknowledge the country's independence.

Friday 21st February, 2014

The New Zealand stock exchange posted a 22% rise in annual profit as strong activity in capital markets offset a weaker performance from its Agri division.

Profit increased to $12.1m last year, from $9.9m in 2012.

The NZX has benefited from a revival in companies coming to market, as the government partially privatised energy companies Mighty River Power and Meridian Energy.

However, the boom is unlikely to be repeated in 2014, as the government has just one smaller asset, Genesis Energy, slated for listing.