Thursday 21st August, 2014
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Labour leader visits Dunedin to talk local issues

Election campaigning is in full swing.

Labour leader David Cunliffe visited Dunedin today to announce policy targeting the area.

And other political parties are ramping up their campaigns too.

Tuesday 19th August, 2014
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Nightly interview: Alan Shanks

An election forum held last night gave three local politicians an opportunity to answer questions about major social issues.

The forum was organised by the Dunedin Council of Social Services and included topics such as poverty, domestic violence, health and well-being.

Here to tell us more about the evening is Alan Shanks.

Thursday 14th August, 2014
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Concert hopes to push up enrolment numbers

North Dunedin residents are being encouraged to pick up the pen and enrol to vote.

The election is just over one month away and less than 80% of the area's residents are yet to enrol.

And one local group is hoping a concert tonight will push that number up over the coming days.

Wednesday 13th August, 2014

There are still 380,000 eligible New Zealanders who haven't enrolled to vote.

Over half of them are under 30, and time is running out if they want to have their say at the general election in September.

Dunedin registrar of electors Dee Vickers says just over 78% of Dunedin North voters have enrolled.

And in Dunedin South nearly 92% are enrolled.

The deadline for enrolment is August the 20th.

Anyone enrolled after that date will have to cast a special declaration vote.

Tuesday 29th July, 2014
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Nightly interview: Geoffrey Miller

Election campaigning has come a long way over the decades, from billboards and placards to Twitter and Facebook.

And the use of social media and modern technology is at an all-time high among candidates.

University of Otago political analyst Geoffrey Miller joins us to talk about the effect that's having.

Thursday 24th July, 2014
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Nightly interview: Dene Mackenzie

The September elections are drawing closer and political leaders are making their push to be re-elected.

And with politics comes controversy, so we're here to catch up with ODT political editor Dene Mackenzie to see who's polling well, and who might struggle leading up to September.

Wednesday 02nd July, 2014
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South Dunedin electorate heating up

The political battle for the South Dunedin electorate is heating up, with rival candidates setting up shop across the road from each other.

Tuesday 03rd June, 2014
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Nightly interview: Hamish Walker

The National Party has appointed its new candidate for Dunedin South, in the lead-up to this year's election.

He will run a campaign against the current Dunedin South MP Clare Curran, of the Labour Party.

National candidate Hamish Walker joins us to introduce himself and his plans for the suburb.

Tuesday 27th May, 2014
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Winston Peters visits Grey Power Otago ahead of election

New Zealand First Leader Sir Winston Peters arrived in Dunedin today, and put on his best sales pitch to those over the age of fifty.

He was invited to speak to members of Grey Power Otago, who were interested in his party's policies ahead of the September election.

Quick on the heel of National's latest budget release, Peters was swift to attack the Government.

Thursday 15th May, 2014

There has been a significant drop in the number of house sales.

Last month 5670 houses were sold nationwide.

That was a 20.2% drop from last April, and a 22.5% decrease from March.

But in the last 12 months the average price of houses sold has increased by about $42,000.

The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand says the sharp fall in sales volumes has impacted on all areas of the country.

And last month's sales were the seventh lowest on record.